WBFF: APR '24 Monthly Insight ℗

                                                 Don’t Get “April Fooled" 

Ever dealt with someone who just likes to quarrel over everything, to kindle strife, or just wise in their own eyes and is never open to gaining wisdom?

Do you know what the Bible says about these kinds of characteristics in a person? It says that they are foolish traits.

And do you know what the Bible teaches us to do when we encounter these types of traits in people? 

The Bible teaches us to simply move away; and do not respond. Yep it is that simple. 

Proverbs 26:4 says: “Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him. 

So the next time you find yourself in the company of someone who displays these characteristics, you might want to consider simply removing yourself from their company, do not engage or feed into their rambling chatter, or unproductive behavior. 

Last and certainly not least, pray for them. The Holy Spirit will give you wisdom on what to pray, how to pray and when to pray for that person.


As always until next time,

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