WBFF: May '24 Monthly Insight ℗

                                              The Throne of G.R.A.C.E.

There’s nothing like God’s riches! First of all, and quite frankly the only thing that matters is we get to spend eternal life with God the Father if we decide to make this our choice. Mic …drop!  Furthermore, we’re given an everlasting joy, love & peace that is beyond this world and because the world didn’t give it; the world can’t take it away. There’re certainly more benefits of God’s riches, these are only to name a few.

If you serve the God I’m speaking about - Jesus Christ - then we have the privilege to GO, RUN, SPRINT, to the mercy seat with confidence to receive and find His mercy and grace in any time of need.  

Hebrews 4:16 - “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

It is a tactic of the enemy to try to make you believe that you have gone too far, you have messed up too many times, or that you’re not worthy of God’s grace or mercy; but don’t fall for the bait. GO, RUN, SPRINT to God’s mercy seat every single time! Whether it’s for forgiveness, direction, strength, joy, or peace - whatever the case may be -- Christ has already paid the price. All inclusive. It’s done.


It’s ours - we just need to ask for it and then receive it.  

As always until next time,

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